4 great gift ideas that will help your loved ones take care of his or her teeth
You may not know it, but cheese assists in regulating the PH levels in your mouth and even kills germs and bacteria around your oral cavity.
You may not know it, but cheese assists in regulating the PH levels in your mouth and even kills germs and bacteria around your oral cavity.
“Some of these over the counter products have not been tested and there are lawsuits that are pending for materials that have actually caused gum trauma or caused the tooth to actually dissolve,” North Carolina cosmetic dentist Dr. Bobbi Stanley told ABC.
Another analysis in 2005 as the Oral Infections and Vascular Disease Epidemiology Study, which was funded by the National Institutes of Health, concluded that higher levels of bacteria in the gums was connected to thicker carotoid arteries.
According to the news outlet, the device known as the Tianjie Dental Falcon, subjects men and women, including the dentist, to 10 times the normal level of radiation.
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Mihirgir Bava, DMD