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With the hot summer weather still with us, medical experts recommend a variety of ways to keep your teeth safe and strong while out enjoying yourself in the sunshine. There are few tips everyone should keep in mind during the last few weeks of the season to help protect their smiles while they are having fun.

Oral care-conscious folks should remember to:

Avoid accidents that can endanger teeth – If playing sports like touch football or going hiking with your friends and family, it’s important that you watch out for sudden falls or other risky behaviors that can result in tooth injury. In some cases, helmets or mouthguards are effective ways to prevent these incidents from happening as well. Chips or fractures may, over time, cause your chompers to fall out.

Moderate consumption of sugary drinks – Dental experts largely agree that too many sugar-based beverages, like soda and energy drinks, are among the leading causes of endemic tooth decay. This summer, try opting for water or all-natural tea to get the same refreshment without the medical risk.

Pack oral care products for vacations – It can be easy to forget the little things when packing for a trip. By ensuring that you bring your toothbrush, paste, mouthwash and floss, you can avoid both the pain of tooth decay and the irritation of having to shell out extra money for what you already own.

The summer is a time for recreation and relaxation, but you shouldn’t let that get in the way of practicing good dental hygiene. Routine tooth brushing, flossing and visits to the dentist are vital ways to keep your smile white all year long.


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Thank you,
Mihirgir Bava, DMD