The stranger side of dentistry: Caring for your “grill”
Grills are removable and are usually composed of gold, silver and, in some cases, diamonds.
Grills are removable and are usually composed of gold, silver and, in some cases, diamonds.
In what may be a significant development in the detection and treatment of oral cancer, researchers based in India have created a system that will allow medical practitioners to identify and diagnose premalignant tumors in the mouth.
Those who extol the supposed virtues of smokeless tobacco have been dealt a blow by a team of dental scientists from the University of Minnesota who say that they have identified a ingredient that significantly increases the risk of oral cancer.
Today, we’ll review ingredients and meal choices that are not only delicious and healthy, but are also known to directly boost overall dental health.
According to researchers, 65 percent of participants who brushed less than one time per day were 65 percent more likely to develop dementia-related symptoms than those with more regular habits.
With the hot summer weather still with us, medical experts recommend a variety of ways to keep your teeth safe and strong while out enjoying yourself in the sunshine.
The idea of the dental drill, oral painkillers and an extended sit in the big chair is enough to make anyone squirm. However, before you start to fret, it’s important to know that a root canal is a relatively normal procedure that has enormous benefits for overall health and well-being.
Oral hygiene experts agree that one of the most important parts of taking care of your teeth is through a routine that involves daily flossing.
You’re standing at the sink, you’ve finished flossing and brushing…what’s next? Many people, in the spirit of good dental care, utilize mouthwash solutions to add one extra layer of cleanliness.
The bedrock of great oral hygiene is brushing your teeth. But have you ever wondered if you’re doing it wrong? It’s such a common act that most people may not realize that there are certain ways to brush that maximize cleanliness in your mouth.
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Mihirgir Bava, DMD